Gail Ewart

Being surrounded with endless inspirational views I’ll never grow tired of painting.
I remember as a young child being asked, what do want to be when you grow up ? An Artist I replied to everyone’s surprise!
That feeling and dream has stayed with me through my life.
I see  light and shadow, warm and cool colours, darks and lights everywhere…it sometimes drives me mad, but the inspiration to paint is always there.
I moved to Arran with my family in 2002. It was a huge change from Edinburgh where I was born but I never liked the city and always escaped to the Pentland hills where I felt so free.
Arran inspired me to take up painting again and I joined Arran Visual Arts and was encouraged to enter small exhibitions. I’m self-taught and have been to several art classes and had the chance to attend renowned watercolour artist Jem Bowden on a full week of tuition. He was impressed by my work and thought I ought to be selling my paintings.
I paint every day in my studio at home. My paintings reflect my love for landscapes without boundaries.  A feeling of being free. My love for watercolour allows me to capture light, fresh translucent almost dreamy colour. I like to paint Plein air when possible which can be challenging when everything blows away as you’re a put to put brush to paper!